This anime is about a boy named Nai, who gets involved in Korechi's life. He helps Nai out by saving him form a creepy lady with really long arms. Then they find themselves in the hands of the Circus, a company who uses magic. They are a very highly trained team of experts who now their magic and manors. They soon find out Nai is the last of his kind, and weird little rabbit
thingy, that actually looks cute.Karneval |
Even though this anime might sound weird and crazy to you at first, it did for me. The animation is wonderful, and you will fall in love with the characters of this anime. So far I have and I always fangirl over it. Please watch this anime if you guys have time, you will love it.
Watch the first episode here and see how fuckin amazing this anime is. If you a hater then plz get out of this blog, lol. Just please watch it and see how good it is, you will love it as much as I do.
Watch the first episode here and see how fuckin amazing this anime is. If you a hater then plz get out of this blog, lol. Just please watch it and see how good it is, you will love it as much as I do.
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